Project Corridors for Life

Project Corridors for Life

Joining efforts to recover and protect the biome

Atlantic Forest, source of life and water to millions

Pontal do Paranapanema is a region in southeast Brazil over eighteen thousand hectares large and encompassing 32 cities west of São Paulo. The region has historically experienced broad deforestation and forest fragmentation in the last fifty years. However, organizations such as the Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPÊ) are working to help recover and conserve the diverse fauna and flora of the region.

Focus of Action

Through its Corridors For Life program in Pontal do Paranapanema, IPÊ, is creating wildlife corridors throughout the region by restoring native forest ecosystems in degraded areas.

Biome: Atlantic Forest - Brazil

Region: Pontal do Paranapanema

Partner: Ecological Research Institute (IPÊ)

Objective: To create biological corridors among remnants of virgin forest, regenerating 300 hectares of lands through the plantation of native trees in degraded areas.

Goal: Direct plantation of 1 million trees

Carbon to be captured (tCO2e): 110 thousand tons of CO2 in 25 years

Socio-environmental impact

300 reforested hectares. Generation of income for 50 local families generating more than double their usual income. Creation of 2 community nurseries in addition to the 10 already existing in the Pontal area.

History of IPE

  • 15 million trees planted
  • 5,000 hectares regenerated
  • Jobs generated: USD 10 million of income for local families
  • Animal species protected: jaguar, puma, ocelot, anta and black titi.
Atlantic Forest, source of life and water to millions

An iniciative implemented by